The Regional Seats of Government and FALLEX 62
Thursday 26th March 2020
Len Howell has been busy in the archives.
Using documents from the National Archives and the DUMPY level tunnels at Dover Castle, he has researched the NATO exercise called FALLEX62.
The exercise took place in 1962 and rehearsed a blueprint to govern Britain in the event of a nuclear war.
Plans included the creation of Regional Seats of Government, including one at Dover Castle.
In his illustrated talk Len will describe the context of the Cold War and the thinking of military and political leaders of the day about the impact of nuclear war.
He will also reveal what happened during Fallex62 which, he argues, was “pretty much a failed experiment”.
Shepherdswell History Society will be the first to hear this new presentation of Len’s before he takes it to other audiences around Kent.
Len’s talk will be held in Shepherdswell Village Hall and starts at 7.30pm.
Entry is only £3. Members free. (You can join the Society on the night for just £10)