Our next presentation: Thursday 27th February 2025. Shepherdswell Village Hall @ 7.30pm

2025 Presentations & Events

All our meetings are free to members and only £3.00 for non-members (unless otherwise stated).

You can join the History Society at any of our presentation evenings for just £10 a year.

Thursday 30th January 2025

Open Evening: The Plaques to Those Who Served in the Great War

We have been reviewing the information on the plaques in the Village Hall that commemorate those who served in the Great War – thanks particularly to the work of Carol Howell.

This meeting will receive a progress report and make decisions about next steps.

Thursday 27th February 2025

Archaeological Dig at St Andrews Gardens

Liss Burrows and Emily Brown, of Invicta Archaeological Services Ltd, will report on last summer’s archaeological excavation on land adjacent to St Andrews Gardens.

The dig revealed two large enclosure ditches believed to date to the Iron Age, with additional storage pits and ditches.

Large quantities of pottery, animal bone and special finds were also found on the site.

Lisa and Emily will present the full findings of the excavations and some of the finds will be on display.

Thursday 27th March 2025

Open Evening: Annual General Meeting and ‘Lost Streets of the Parish’

The meeting commences with our AGM, which reviews the Society’s activities and elects our Committee.

We will then have a discussion on how street names in Shepherdswell and Coldred have been lost or changed, and how once simple tracks have evolved into main thoroughfares and vice versa.

Thursday 24th April 2025

Memories of Hopping in Kent with Philippa Messiano from the Brook Rural Museum

In January 2024, Brook Rural Museum, in Brook, near Ashford, launched an Oral History project to record memories of Kentish hop picking. Funded by the National Lottery and Association of Independent Museums and working in partnership with the University of Kent Special Collections and Archives, Memories of Hopping interviewed people about their memories of hopping and hop production, particularly in Brook, Wye and surrounding areas. 

The project culminated in an exhibition which featured oral history recordings and artefacts, including hop tokens and tally sticks, photographs, newspaper articles and rare books. 

Tonight, the project organiser Philippa Messiano reports on its findings and talks about the history of hop production in Kent.

Philippa Mesiano completed her PhD in Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Kent. She trained in heritage collections management at Canterbury Cathedral and now works as Community Engagement & Project Manager at Brook Rural Museum.

Thursday 29th May 2025: Open Evening

 Second World War Defences in and around Shepherdswell and Coldred 

Tonight’s meeting will review what we know about the anti-invasion defences around Shepherdswell and also hear a report on some recent discoveries. 

Thursday 26th June 2025

A ‘Walk through Time’ with Keith Roberts. 

Please note that this year’s Walk through Time will be a real walk – rather than a ‘virtual walk’ as in recent years.

We will meet in entrance to Fry’s Farm Shop at 7.30pm for the ‘Walk Through Time Vol.1 Revisited‘.

This will be a chance to revisit the history of The Green and Mill Lane – its people, buildings and events – including new information we have found in the eight years since we last did this walk. 

Thursday 24th July 2025: Open Evening. 

This evening we will take an informal look at the life of Sibertswold School since it was built in 1853.

There will be a chance to look at old documents, registers and photographs.

If you have any memories or even photos of the old school, please do bring them along for a trip down memory lane. 

Saturday 6th September 2025

Big History Day is Back!

11.30 – 2.30, Shepherdswell Village Hall

Admission £1

After last year’s break, our celebration of local history returns.

As usual, there will be exhibits, interesting talks, heritage stalls, archaeological finds, activities for children, food and refreshments, including an opportunity to indulge in fantastic home-made cake.

Look out for more details nearer the date! 

Thursday 26th 2025 September

The Spanish Civil War and its Local Volunteers with Tom Millard, assistant head teacher, Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School

This talk explores the journey of local volunteers (from Folkestone, Dover and Canterbury areas) who joined the International Brigades and journeyed to the battlefields of the Spanish Civil War (1936-38).

The project began in 2020 as a school project by students of Dover Grammar School for Girls. It was organised by tonight’s speaker, Tom Millard, who was their History teacher.

The students’ research culminated in an exhibition in Folkestone and, in 2023, a plaque to those who lost their lives in Spain was unveiled in Dover.

The talk will particularly focus on Harry Addley, who ran a restaurant/café in Dover. A veteran of the Somme. Addley became one of the first British casualties of the Spanish Civil War. The project located several of Harry’s relatives, all of whom were surprised to hear details of his life story. 

Digital copies of a pamphlet about the project will be available on the night.

Thursday 30th October 2025: Open Evening. 

Exploring and researching local history: topics to be announced nearer the date.

Thursday 27th November

Special Christmas Event – Hoodening and the Hooden Horse of Kent with James Frost

pastedGraphic.pngHoodening is a house-calling Christmas custom unique to East Kent. It features the Hooden Horse animal disguise. Tonight, James Frost will explore the tradition, talk about its modern revival and further adventures of Hooden Horses. There will also be a guest appearance from a real Hooden Horse!

James Frost is a freelance theatre designer and puppeteer who has been performing the Hooden Horse since 2005. He has curated exhibitions on the Hooden Horse at Maidstone Museum and Herne Bay Seaside Museum. He has also authored Animal Guising and the Kentish Hooden Horse (Ozaru Books, 2023). 

For more information, visit: www.jamesedwardfrost.com

Thursday 29th January 2026: Open Evening

Exploring and researching local history: topics to be announced nearer the date.