Our next presentation: Thursday 27th February 2025. Shepherdswell Village Hall @ 7.30pm

Shepherdswell & Coldred History Society

Welcome to the Shepherdswell & Coldred History Society

Through this site you will be taken on a journey to our past, learning how events have shaped the people of this area and how the people have shaped the area.

History is a very fluid subject and so we will be constantly updating the information on this site as we learn more. We also hope to add both audio and visual recordings.


Thursday 27th March 2025

Shepherdswell Village Hall @ 7.30pm

Open Evening: Annual General Meeting and ‘Lost Streets of the Parish’

The meeting commences with our AGM, which reviews the Society’s activities and elects our Committee.

We will then have a discussion on how street names in Shepherdswell and Coldred have been lost or changed, and how once simple tracks have evolved into main thoroughfares and vice versa.

The society normally holds monthly meetings and regular talks at Shepherdswell Village Hall.

To view our full 2025 programme of events click here but do check this website regularly for any updates or amendments to the programme.

To download a hard copy of the programme, simply click here.

To contact the History Society, please email [email protected].

If you would like to become a member or renew your membership, you can either pay on the door at the next meeting or by BACS.

Click here for our bank details.


Our thanks to Dover District Council for the support it has given to the Society over the past few years which has greatly assisted our various projects as well as our ability to share the history of the village with the whole community.

The History Society is a member of the Kent Archaeological Society.